If you don't have these utilities available to you, you will either need
to find a way of installing them, or else find alternative ways of
performing some of the steps in this how-to. Doing either is outside the
-scope of this how-to.
+scope of this how-to, but most of these utilities are provided by
+<tt>busybox</tt> on my device, so installing <tt>busybox</tt> should get
+you most of the way there.
You have a reasonably fast and high-capacity Internet connection
-If not all of these assumptions are true, please don't contact me if
-something doesn't go right for you when following this how-to.
+If not all of these assumptions are true, please don't contact me just to
+complain if something doesn't go right for you when following this
+how-to. Of course, alternative suggestions are welcome!
$ ar x /path/to/cdebootstrap-static_0.5.8+b1_armhf.deb data.tar.gz<br>
$ tar xzOf data.tar.gz ./usr/lib/cdebootstrap/cdebootstrap_0.5.8+b1_armhf.tar.gz | ssh root@$PHONE 'tar xzC /data/local/bin/'
-Obviously, replace <tt>$PHONE</tt> with the hostname of your phone.
+Remember to replace <tt>$PHONE</tt> with the hostname of your phone.
Unfortunately, the version of <tt>cdebootstrap</tt> included in the
# mke2fs -Fj /mnt/sdcard/debian.img<br>
# mkdir /debian<br>
# mount -t ext3 -o noatime,errors=remount-ro /mnt/sdcard/debian.img /debian
+# for fs in /dev /proc /sys; do mount -o bind "$fs" "/debian$fs"; done
writing) the <tt>armhf</tt> architecture is not yet fully integrated into
the official archive. If you're using <tt>armel</tt>, or if you happen to
live in the future, you can use your normal Debian mirror for this.
-Obviously, feel free to replace <tt>unstable</tt> with whichever suite
-you want to install.
+Don't forget to replace <tt>unstable</tt> with whichever
+<a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/">suite</a> you want to install,
+but be aware that (at the time of writing) <tt>armhf</tt> only exists in
+<tt>unstable</tt> -- if you want <tt>stable</tt> or <tt>testing</tt>, and
+you downloaded an <tt>armhf</tt> <tt>cdebootstrap</tt> binary, you will
+need to specify the <tt>-aarmel</tt> option to <tt>cdebootstrap</tt>.
and how you like your Debian. ;-)
+<h2>Initialising the Debian system at boot time</h2>
+I have written a couple of simple scripts to ease getting Debian up and
+running. They come in pairs; one of them lives in Android and chroots to
+Debian, and the other lives in Debian and gets run after the chroot. You
+can find a copy of these scripts in
+<a href="http://git.steven-mcdonald.id.au/?p=android-debian.git;a=tree">Gitweb</a>,
+or clone the git repository with:
+$ git clone git://git.steven-mcdonald.id.au/android-debian.git
+For usage information, please refer to the <tt>README</tt> in that git
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