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+<div id="content">
+I have <a href="http://git.steven-mcdonald.id.au/">Gitweb</a> set up to
+track various projects I'm working on in git. I will soon be installing
+git-daemon to complement this.
+I also have <a href="http://ftp.steven-mcdonald.id.au/debian-packages/">
+an APT repository</a> for Debian sid, which I am using as a place to
+upload my Debian packaging before it is ready for Debian. Please don't
+ask me to support anything other than sid; my aim here is to get packages
+into Debian itself, not to provide yet another third-party repo.
+That said, if you want to test packages I've uploaded here, add something
+like this to /etc/apt/sources.list:
+# Steven McDonald's APT repository
+deb http://ftp.steven-mcdonald.id.au/debian-packages/ unstable main
+deb-src http://ftp.steven-mcdonald.id.au/debian-packages/ unstable main
+This repository has its Release file signed with <a
+href="http://www.steven-mcdonald.id.au/pgp_public_key.asc">my OpenPGP key
+</a>, so you'll probably want to tell APT to trust it. For the lazy:
+$ wget -qO/dev/stdout http://www.steven-mcdonald.id.au/pgp_public_key.asc
+| sudo apt-key add -
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