From: Steven McDonald
-If not all of these assumptions are true, please don't contact me if
-something doesn't go right for you when following this how-to.
+If not all of these assumptions are true, please don't contact me just to
+complain if something doesn't go right for you when following this
+how-to. Of course, alternative suggestions are welcome!
@@ -184,8 +188,12 @@ your phone, run cdebootstrap to set up a file system tree in
writing) the armhf architecture is not yet fully integrated into
the official archive. If you're using armel, or if you happen to
live in the future, you can use your normal Debian mirror for this.
-Obviously, feel free to replace unstable with whichever suite
-you want to install.
+Don't forget to replace unstable with whichever
+suite you want to install,
+but be aware that (at the time of writing) armhf only exists in
+unstable -- if you want stable or testing, and
+you downloaded an armhf cdebootstrap binary, you will
+need to specify the -aarmel option to cdebootstrap.
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ $ mkdir /tmp/cdebootstrap && cd /tmp/cdebootstrap
$ ar x /path/to/cdebootstrap-static_0.5.8+b1_armhf.deb data.tar.gz
$ tar xzOf data.tar.gz ./usr/lib/cdebootstrap/cdebootstrap_0.5.8+b1_armhf.tar.gz | ssh root@$PHONE 'tar xzC /data/local/bin/'
-Obviously, replace $PHONE with the hostname of your phone.
+Remember to replace $PHONE with the hostname of your phone.
# mkdir /debian
# mount -t ext3 -o noatime,errors=remount-ro /mnt/sdcard/debian.img /debian
+# for fs in /dev /proc /sys; do mount -o bind "$fs" "/debian$fs"; done
@@ -286,6 +294,26 @@ What you choose to install beyond this depends on your wants and needs,
and how you like your Debian. ;-)
+I have written a couple of simple scripts to ease getting Debian up and +running. They come in pairs; one of them lives in Android and chroots to +Debian, and the other lives in Debian and gets run after the chroot. You +can find a copy of these scripts in +Gitweb, +or clone the git repository with: +
+ +
+$ git clone git://
++For usage information, please refer to the README in that git +repository. +