Metadata-Version: 1.0 Name: digraphtools Version: 0.2.1 Summary: Some tools for working with digraphs, partial orders and topological sorting with Python Home-page: Author: David Basden Author-email: License: UNKNOWN Description: ============ digraphtools ============ Some tools for working with directed acyclic graphs, partial orders and topological sorting with Python digraphtools was written as a lightweight way of using DAGs and partial ordering to represent, sort and traverse dependency trees in a lightweight way. The code is hosted on github at Graph Representation ==================== Graphs ------ A graph is represented as a dict which maps a node to a list nodes connected via the outgoing edges of that node. e.g. graph = { 1: [2,3], 2: [3], 3: [] } is a DAG represented by the edges (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) where the edge 2tuple is in the form of (from,to) There are helper methods in deptools to generate graphs from a list of edges, and vice versa Binary relations ---------------- If a DAG represents dependencies, e.g. the edge (1,2) is taken to mean "1 depends on 2", this is backwards from a binary relation. (1,2) would be the relation 2P1 Topological Sorting =================== There are two ways of generating linear extensions / topological sorts of dependencies (i.e. orders items must be processed in to satisfy dependency requirements): deptools.dfs_topsort_traversal ------------------------------ deptools.dfs_topsort_traversal will take a graph and iterate over a single valid topologicaly sorted order deptools.topsort.vr_topsort --------------------------- deptools.topsort.vr_topsort will generate all valid linear extensions / topological orderings given an initial 'seed' linear extension (such as the one generated by deptools.dfs_topsort_traversal). The method does not take the graph format as used by deptools as input, but it does have a helper method to generate it's input matrix from a partial order set (which can be generated from a graph using helpers in deptools). See the examples in and test/ for how to do this. Authors ======= digraphtools was initially written by David Basden Thanks ====== Thanks to Yaakov L. Varol and Doron Rotem for the design of the algorithm in Platform: any Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python