// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // // Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // http://code.google.com/p/goprotobuf/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package proto_test import ( "bytes" "fmt" "json" "math" "os" "reflect" "strings" "testing" . "goprotobuf.googlecode.com/hg/proto" . "./testdata/_obj/test_proto" ) var globalO *Buffer func old() *Buffer { if globalO == nil { globalO = NewBuffer(nil) } globalO.Reset() return globalO } func equalbytes(b1, b2 []byte, t *testing.T) { if len(b1) != len(b2) { t.Errorf("wrong lengths: 2*%d != %d", len(b1), len(b2)) return } for i := 0; i < len(b1); i++ { if b1[i] != b2[i] { t.Errorf("bad byte[%d]:%x %x: %s %s", i, b1[i], b2[i], b1, b2) } } } func initGoTestField() *GoTestField { f := new(GoTestField) f.Label = String("label") f.Type = String("type") return f } // These are all structurally equivalent but the tag numbers differ. // (It's remarkable that required, optional, and repeated all have // 8 letters.) func initGoTest_RequiredGroup() *GoTest_RequiredGroup { return &GoTest_RequiredGroup{ RequiredField: String("required"), } } func initGoTest_OptionalGroup() *GoTest_OptionalGroup { return &GoTest_OptionalGroup{ RequiredField: String("optional"), } } func initGoTest_RepeatedGroup() *GoTest_RepeatedGroup { return &GoTest_RepeatedGroup{ RequiredField: String("repeated"), } } func initGoTest(setdefaults bool) *GoTest { pb := new(GoTest) if setdefaults { pb.F_BoolDefaulted = Bool(Default_GoTest_F_BoolDefaulted) pb.F_Int32Defaulted = Int32(Default_GoTest_F_Int32Defaulted) pb.F_Int64Defaulted = Int64(Default_GoTest_F_Int64Defaulted) pb.F_Fixed32Defaulted = Uint32(Default_GoTest_F_Fixed32Defaulted) pb.F_Fixed64Defaulted = Uint64(Default_GoTest_F_Fixed64Defaulted) pb.F_Uint32Defaulted = Uint32(Default_GoTest_F_Uint32Defaulted) pb.F_Uint64Defaulted = Uint64(Default_GoTest_F_Uint64Defaulted) pb.F_FloatDefaulted = Float32(Default_GoTest_F_FloatDefaulted) pb.F_DoubleDefaulted = Float64(Default_GoTest_F_DoubleDefaulted) pb.F_StringDefaulted = String(Default_GoTest_F_StringDefaulted) pb.F_BytesDefaulted = Default_GoTest_F_BytesDefaulted pb.F_Sint32Defaulted = Int32(Default_GoTest_F_Sint32Defaulted) pb.F_Sint64Defaulted = Int64(Default_GoTest_F_Sint64Defaulted) } pb.Kind = NewGoTest_KIND(GoTest_TIME) pb.RequiredField = initGoTestField() pb.F_BoolRequired = Bool(true) pb.F_Int32Required = Int32(3) pb.F_Int64Required = Int64(6) pb.F_Fixed32Required = Uint32(32) pb.F_Fixed64Required = Uint64(64) pb.F_Uint32Required = Uint32(3232) pb.F_Uint64Required = Uint64(6464) pb.F_FloatRequired = Float32(3232) pb.F_DoubleRequired = Float64(6464) pb.F_StringRequired = String("string") pb.F_BytesRequired = []byte("bytes") pb.F_Sint32Required = Int32(-32) pb.F_Sint64Required = Int64(-64) pb.Requiredgroup = initGoTest_RequiredGroup() return pb } func fail(msg string, b *bytes.Buffer, s string, t *testing.T) { data := b.Bytes() ld := len(data) ls := len(s) / 2 fmt.Printf("fail %s ld=%d ls=%d\n", msg, ld, ls) // find the interesting spot - n n := ls if ld < ls { n = ld } j := 0 for i := 0; i < n; i++ { bs := hex(s[j])*16 + hex(s[j+1]) j += 2 if data[i] == bs { continue } n = i break } l := n - 10 if l < 0 { l = 0 } h := n + 10 // find the interesting spot - n fmt.Printf("is[%d]:", l) for i := l; i < h; i++ { if i >= ld { fmt.Printf(" --") continue } fmt.Printf(" %.2x", data[i]) } fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("sb[%d]:", l) for i := l; i < h; i++ { if i >= ls { fmt.Printf(" --") continue } bs := hex(s[j])*16 + hex(s[j+1]) j += 2 fmt.Printf(" %.2x", bs) } fmt.Printf("\n") t.Fail() // t.Errorf("%s: \ngood: %s\nbad: %x", msg, s, b.Bytes()) // Print the output in a partially-decoded format; can // be helpful when updating the test. It produces the output // that is pasted, with minor edits, into the argument to verify(). // data := b.Bytes() // nesting := 0 // for b.Len() > 0 { // start := len(data) - b.Len() // var u uint64 // u, err := DecodeVarint(b) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on varint:", err) // return // } // wire := u & 0x7 // tag := u >> 3 // switch wire { // case WireVarint: // v, err := DecodeVarint(b) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on varint:", err) // return // } // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\" // field %d, encoding %d, value %d\n", // data[start:len(data)-b.Len()], tag, wire, v) // case WireFixed32: // v, err := DecodeFixed32(b) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on fixed32:", err) // return // } // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\" // field %d, encoding %d, value %d\n", // data[start:len(data)-b.Len()], tag, wire, v) // case WireFixed64: // v, err := DecodeFixed64(b) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on fixed64:", err) // return // } // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\" // field %d, encoding %d, value %d\n", // data[start:len(data)-b.Len()], tag, wire, v) // case WireBytes: // nb, err := DecodeVarint(b) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on bytes:", err) // return // } // after_tag := len(data) - b.Len() // str := make([]byte, nb) // _, err = b.Read(str) // if err != nil { // fmt.Printf("decode error on bytes:", err) // return // } // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\" \"%x\" // field %d, encoding %d (FIELD)\n", // data[start:after_tag], str, tag, wire) // case WireStartGroup: // nesting++ // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\"\t\t// start group field %d level %d\n", // data[start:len(data)-b.Len()], tag, nesting) // case WireEndGroup: // fmt.Printf("\t\t\"%x\"\t\t// end group field %d level %d\n", // data[start:len(data)-b.Len()], tag, nesting) // nesting-- // default: // fmt.Printf("unrecognized wire type %d\n", wire) // return // } // } } func hex(c uint8) uint8 { if '0' <= c && c <= '9' { return c - '0' } if 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' { return 10 + c - 'a' } if 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' { return 10 + c - 'A' } return 0 } func equal(b []byte, s string, t *testing.T) bool { if 2*len(b) != len(s) { // fail(fmt.Sprintf("wrong lengths: 2*%d != %d", len(b), len(s)), b, s, t) fmt.Printf("wrong lengths: 2*%d != %d\n", len(b), len(s)) return false } for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(b); i, j = i+1, j+2 { x := hex(s[j])*16 + hex(s[j+1]) if b[i] != x { // fail(fmt.Sprintf("bad byte[%d]:%x %x", i, b[i], x), b, s, t) fmt.Printf("bad byte[%d]:%x %x", i, b[i], x) return false } } return true } func overify(t *testing.T, pb *GoTest, expected string) { o := old() err := o.Marshal(pb) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("overify marshal-1 err = %v", err) o.DebugPrint("", o.Bytes()) t.Fatalf("expected = %s", expected) } if !equal(o.Bytes(), expected, t) { o.DebugPrint("overify neq 1", o.Bytes()) t.Fatalf("expected = %s", expected) } // Now test Unmarshal by recreating the original buffer. pbd := new(GoTest) err = o.Unmarshal(pbd) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("overify unmarshal err = %v", err) o.DebugPrint("", o.Bytes()) t.Fatalf("string = %s", expected) } o.Reset() err = o.Marshal(pbd) if err != nil { t.Errorf("overify marshal-2 err = %v", err) o.DebugPrint("", o.Bytes()) t.Fatalf("string = %s", expected) } if !equal(o.Bytes(), expected, t) { o.DebugPrint("overify neq 2", o.Bytes()) t.Fatalf("string = %s", expected) } } // Simple tests for numeric encode/decode primitives (varint, etc.) func TestNumericPrimitives(t *testing.T) { for i := uint64(0); i < 1e6; i += 111 { o := old() if o.EncodeVarint(i) != nil { t.Error("EncodeVarint") break } x, e := o.DecodeVarint() if e != nil { t.Fatal("DecodeVarint") } if x != i { t.Fatal("varint decode fail:", i, x) } o = old() if o.EncodeFixed32(i) != nil { t.Fatal("encFixed32") } x, e = o.DecodeFixed32() if e != nil { t.Fatal("decFixed32") } if x != i { t.Fatal("fixed32 decode fail:", i, x) } o = old() if o.EncodeFixed64(i*1234567) != nil { t.Error("encFixed64") break } x, e = o.DecodeFixed64() if e != nil { t.Error("decFixed64") break } if x != i*1234567 { t.Error("fixed64 decode fail:", i*1234567, x) break } o = old() i32 := int32(i - 12345) if o.EncodeZigzag32(uint64(i32)) != nil { t.Fatal("EncodeZigzag32") } x, e = o.DecodeZigzag32() if e != nil { t.Fatal("DecodeZigzag32") } if x != uint64(uint32(i32)) { t.Fatal("zigzag32 decode fail:", i32, x) } o = old() i64 := int64(i - 12345) if o.EncodeZigzag64(uint64(i64)) != nil { t.Fatal("EncodeZigzag64") } x, e = o.DecodeZigzag64() if e != nil { t.Fatal("DecodeZigzag64") } if x != uint64(i64) { t.Fatal("zigzag64 decode fail:", i64, x) } } } // Simple tests for bytes func TestBytesPrimitives(t *testing.T) { o := old() bytes := []byte{'n', 'o', 'w', ' ', 'i', 's', ' ', 't', 'h', 'e', ' ', 't', 'i', 'm', 'e'} if o.EncodeRawBytes(bytes) != nil { t.Error("EncodeRawBytes") } decb, e := o.DecodeRawBytes(false) if e != nil { t.Error("DecodeRawBytes") } equalbytes(bytes, decb, t) } // Simple tests for strings func TestStringPrimitives(t *testing.T) { o := old() s := "now is the time" if o.EncodeStringBytes(s) != nil { t.Error("enc_string") } decs, e := o.DecodeStringBytes() if e != nil { t.Error("dec_string") } if s != decs { t.Error("string encode/decode fail:", s, decs) } } // Do we catch the "required bit not set" case? func TestRequiredBit(t *testing.T) { o := old() pb := new(GoTest) err := o.Marshal(pb) if err == nil { t.Error("did not catch missing required fields") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "GoTest") < 0 { t.Error("wrong error type:", err) } } // Check that all fields are nil. // Clearly silly, and a residue from a more interesting test with an earlier, // different initialization property, but it once caught a compiler bug so // it lives. func checkInitialized(pb *GoTest, t *testing.T) { if pb.F_BoolDefaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set boolean:", *pb.F_BoolDefaulted) } if pb.F_Int32Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set int32:", *pb.F_Int32Defaulted) } if pb.F_Int64Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set int64:", *pb.F_Int64Defaulted) } if pb.F_Fixed32Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set fixed32:", *pb.F_Fixed32Defaulted) } if pb.F_Fixed64Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set fixed64:", *pb.F_Fixed64Defaulted) } if pb.F_Uint32Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set uint32:", *pb.F_Uint32Defaulted) } if pb.F_Uint64Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set uint64:", *pb.F_Uint64Defaulted) } if pb.F_FloatDefaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set float:", *pb.F_FloatDefaulted) } if pb.F_DoubleDefaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set double:", *pb.F_DoubleDefaulted) } if pb.F_StringDefaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set string:", *pb.F_StringDefaulted) } if pb.F_BytesDefaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set bytes:", string(pb.F_BytesDefaulted)) } if pb.F_Sint32Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set int32:", *pb.F_Sint32Defaulted) } if pb.F_Sint64Defaulted != nil { t.Error("New or Reset did not set int64:", *pb.F_Sint64Defaulted) } } // Does Reset() reset? func TestReset(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(true) // muck with some values pb.F_BoolDefaulted = Bool(false) pb.F_Int32Defaulted = Int32(237) pb.F_Int64Defaulted = Int64(12346) pb.F_Fixed32Defaulted = Uint32(32000) pb.F_Fixed64Defaulted = Uint64(666) pb.F_Uint32Defaulted = Uint32(323232) pb.F_Uint64Defaulted = nil pb.F_FloatDefaulted = nil pb.F_DoubleDefaulted = Float64(0) pb.F_StringDefaulted = String("gotcha") pb.F_BytesDefaulted = []byte("asdfasdf") pb.F_Sint32Defaulted = Int32(123) pb.F_Sint64Defaulted = Int64(789) pb.Reset() checkInitialized(pb, t) } // All required fields set, no defaults provided. func TestEncodeDecode1(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(false) overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 0x20 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 0x40 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 0xca0 = 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 0x1940 = 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2, string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2, string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "b304"+ // field 70, encoding 3, start group "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404") // field 70, encoding 4, end group } // All required fields set, defaults provided. func TestEncodeDecode2(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(true) overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 32 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 64 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2 string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2 string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "c00201"+ // field 40, encoding 0, value 1 "c80220"+ // field 41, encoding 0, value 32 "d00240"+ // field 42, encoding 0, value 64 "dd0240010000"+ // field 43, encoding 5, value 320 "e1028002000000000000"+ // field 44, encoding 1, value 640 "e8028019"+ // field 45, encoding 0, value 3200 "f0028032"+ // field 46, encoding 0, value 6400 "fd02e0659948"+ // field 47, encoding 5, value 314159.0 "81030000000050971041"+ // field 48, encoding 1, value 271828.0 "8a0310"+"68656c6c6f2c2022776f726c6421220a"+ // field 49, encoding 2 string "hello, \"world!\"\n" "8a1907"+"4269676e6f7365"+ // field 401, encoding 2, string "Bignose" "90193f"+ // field 402, encoding 0, value 63 "98197f"+ // field 403, encoding 0, value 127 "b304"+ // start group field 70 level 1 "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404") // end group field 70 level 1 } // All default fields set to their default value by hand func TestEncodeDecode3(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(false) pb.F_BoolDefaulted = Bool(true) pb.F_Int32Defaulted = Int32(32) pb.F_Int64Defaulted = Int64(64) pb.F_Fixed32Defaulted = Uint32(320) pb.F_Fixed64Defaulted = Uint64(640) pb.F_Uint32Defaulted = Uint32(3200) pb.F_Uint64Defaulted = Uint64(6400) pb.F_FloatDefaulted = Float32(314159) pb.F_DoubleDefaulted = Float64(271828) pb.F_StringDefaulted = String("hello, \"world!\"\n") pb.F_BytesDefaulted = []byte("Bignose") pb.F_Sint32Defaulted = Int32(-32) pb.F_Sint64Defaulted = Int64(-64) overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 32 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 64 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2 string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2 string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "c00201"+ // field 40, encoding 0, value 1 "c80220"+ // field 41, encoding 0, value 32 "d00240"+ // field 42, encoding 0, value 64 "dd0240010000"+ // field 43, encoding 5, value 320 "e1028002000000000000"+ // field 44, encoding 1, value 640 "e8028019"+ // field 45, encoding 0, value 3200 "f0028032"+ // field 46, encoding 0, value 6400 "fd02e0659948"+ // field 47, encoding 5, value 314159.0 "81030000000050971041"+ // field 48, encoding 1, value 271828.0 "8a0310"+"68656c6c6f2c2022776f726c6421220a"+ // field 49, encoding 2 string "hello, \"world!\"\n" "8a1907"+"4269676e6f7365"+ // field 401, encoding 2, string "Bignose" "90193f"+ // field 402, encoding 0, value 63 "98197f"+ // field 403, encoding 0, value 127 "b304"+ // start group field 70 level 1 "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404") // end group field 70 level 1 } // All required fields set, defaults provided, all non-defaulted optional fields have values. func TestEncodeDecode4(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(true) pb.Table = String("hello") pb.Param = Int32(7) pb.OptionalField = initGoTestField() pb.F_BoolOptional = Bool(true) pb.F_Int32Optional = Int32(32) pb.F_Int64Optional = Int64(64) pb.F_Fixed32Optional = Uint32(3232) pb.F_Fixed64Optional = Uint64(6464) pb.F_Uint32Optional = Uint32(323232) pb.F_Uint64Optional = Uint64(646464) pb.F_FloatOptional = Float32(32.) pb.F_DoubleOptional = Float64(64.) pb.F_StringOptional = String("hello") pb.F_BytesOptional = []byte("Bignose") pb.F_Sint32Optional = Int32(-32) pb.F_Sint64Optional = Int64(-64) pb.Optionalgroup = initGoTest_OptionalGroup() overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "1205"+"68656c6c6f"+ // field 2, encoding 2, string "hello" "1807"+ // field 3, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "320d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 6, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 32 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 64 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2 string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2 string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "f00101"+ // field 30, encoding 0, value 1 "f80120"+ // field 31, encoding 0, value 32 "800240"+ // field 32, encoding 0, value 64 "8d02a00c0000"+ // field 33, encoding 5, value 3232 "91024019000000000000"+ // field 34, encoding 1, value 6464 "9802a0dd13"+ // field 35, encoding 0, value 323232 "a002c0ba27"+ // field 36, encoding 0, value 646464 "ad0200000042"+ // field 37, encoding 5, value 32.0 "b1020000000000005040"+ // field 38, encoding 1, value 64.0 "ba0205"+"68656c6c6f"+ // field 39, encoding 2, string "hello" "ea1207"+"4269676e6f7365"+ // field 301, encoding 2, string "Bignose" "f0123f"+ // field 302, encoding 0, value 63 "f8127f"+ // field 303, encoding 0, value 127 "c00201"+ // field 40, encoding 0, value 1 "c80220"+ // field 41, encoding 0, value 32 "d00240"+ // field 42, encoding 0, value 64 "dd0240010000"+ // field 43, encoding 5, value 320 "e1028002000000000000"+ // field 44, encoding 1, value 640 "e8028019"+ // field 45, encoding 0, value 3200 "f0028032"+ // field 46, encoding 0, value 6400 "fd02e0659948"+ // field 47, encoding 5, value 314159.0 "81030000000050971041"+ // field 48, encoding 1, value 271828.0 "8a0310"+"68656c6c6f2c2022776f726c6421220a"+ // field 49, encoding 2 string "hello, \"world!\"\n" "8a1907"+"4269676e6f7365"+ // field 401, encoding 2, string "Bignose" "90193f"+ // field 402, encoding 0, value 63 "98197f"+ // field 403, encoding 0, value 127 "b304"+ // start group field 70 level 1 "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404"+ // end group field 70 level 1 "d305"+ // start group field 90 level 1 "da0508"+"6f7074696f6e616c"+ // field 91, encoding 2, string "optional" "d405") // end group field 90 level 1 } // All required fields set, defaults provided, all repeated fields given two values. func TestEncodeDecode5(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(true) pb.RepeatedField = []*GoTestField{initGoTestField(), initGoTestField()} pb.F_BoolRepeated = []bool{false, true} pb.F_Int32Repeated = []int32{32, 33} pb.F_Int64Repeated = []int64{64, 65} pb.F_Fixed32Repeated = []uint32{3232, 3333} pb.F_Fixed64Repeated = []uint64{6464, 6565} pb.F_Uint32Repeated = []uint32{323232, 333333} pb.F_Uint64Repeated = []uint64{646464, 656565} pb.F_FloatRepeated = []float32{32., 33.} pb.F_DoubleRepeated = []float64{64., 65.} pb.F_StringRepeated = []string{"hello", "sailor"} pb.F_BytesRepeated = [][]byte{[]byte("big"), []byte("nose")} pb.F_Sint32Repeated = []int32{32, -32} pb.F_Sint64Repeated = []int64{64, -64} pb.Repeatedgroup = []*GoTest_RepeatedGroup{initGoTest_RepeatedGroup(), initGoTest_RepeatedGroup()} overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "2a0d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 5, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "2a0d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 5, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 32 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 64 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2 string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2 string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "a00100"+ // field 20, encoding 0, value 0 "a00101"+ // field 20, encoding 0, value 1 "a80120"+ // field 21, encoding 0, value 32 "a80121"+ // field 21, encoding 0, value 33 "b00140"+ // field 22, encoding 0, value 64 "b00141"+ // field 22, encoding 0, value 65 "bd01a00c0000"+ // field 23, encoding 5, value 3232 "bd01050d0000"+ // field 23, encoding 5, value 3333 "c1014019000000000000"+ // field 24, encoding 1, value 6464 "c101a519000000000000"+ // field 24, encoding 1, value 6565 "c801a0dd13"+ // field 25, encoding 0, value 323232 "c80195ac14"+ // field 25, encoding 0, value 333333 "d001c0ba27"+ // field 26, encoding 0, value 646464 "d001b58928"+ // field 26, encoding 0, value 656565 "dd0100000042"+ // field 27, encoding 5, value 32.0 "dd0100000442"+ // field 27, encoding 5, value 33.0 "e1010000000000005040"+ // field 28, encoding 1, value 64.0 "e1010000000000405040"+ // field 28, encoding 1, value 65.0 "ea0105"+"68656c6c6f"+ // field 29, encoding 2, string "hello" "ea0106"+"7361696c6f72"+ // field 29, encoding 2, string "sailor" "ca0c03"+"626967"+ // field 201, encoding 2, string "big" "ca0c04"+"6e6f7365"+ // field 201, encoding 2, string "nose" "d00c40"+ // field 202, encoding 0, value 32 "d00c3f"+ // field 202, encoding 0, value -32 "d80c8001"+ // field 203, encoding 0, value 64 "d80c7f"+ // field 203, encoding 0, value -64 "c00201"+ // field 40, encoding 0, value 1 "c80220"+ // field 41, encoding 0, value 32 "d00240"+ // field 42, encoding 0, value 64 "dd0240010000"+ // field 43, encoding 5, value 320 "e1028002000000000000"+ // field 44, encoding 1, value 640 "e8028019"+ // field 45, encoding 0, value 3200 "f0028032"+ // field 46, encoding 0, value 6400 "fd02e0659948"+ // field 47, encoding 5, value 314159.0 "81030000000050971041"+ // field 48, encoding 1, value 271828.0 "8a0310"+"68656c6c6f2c2022776f726c6421220a"+ // field 49, encoding 2 string "hello, \"world!\"\n" "8a1907"+"4269676e6f7365"+ // field 401, encoding 2, string "Bignose" "90193f"+ // field 402, encoding 0, value 63 "98197f"+ // field 403, encoding 0, value 127 "b304"+ // start group field 70 level 1 "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404"+ // end group field 70 level 1 "8305"+ // start group field 80 level 1 "8a0508"+"7265706561746564"+ // field 81, encoding 2, string "repeated" "8405"+ // end group field 80 level 1 "8305"+ // start group field 80 level 1 "8a0508"+"7265706561746564"+ // field 81, encoding 2, string "repeated" "8405") // end group field 80 level 1 } // All required fields set, all packed repeated fields given two values. func TestEncodeDecode6(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(false) pb.F_BoolRepeatedPacked = []bool{false, true} pb.F_Int32RepeatedPacked = []int32{32, 33} pb.F_Int64RepeatedPacked = []int64{64, 65} pb.F_Fixed32RepeatedPacked = []uint32{3232, 3333} pb.F_Fixed64RepeatedPacked = []uint64{6464, 6565} pb.F_Uint32RepeatedPacked = []uint32{323232, 333333} pb.F_Uint64RepeatedPacked = []uint64{646464, 656565} pb.F_FloatRepeatedPacked = []float32{32., 33.} pb.F_DoubleRepeatedPacked = []float64{64., 65.} pb.F_Sint32RepeatedPacked = []int32{32, -32} pb.F_Sint64RepeatedPacked = []int64{64, -64} overify(t, pb, "0807"+ // field 1, encoding 0, value 7 "220d"+"0a056c6162656c120474797065"+ // field 4, encoding 2 (GoTestField) "5001"+ // field 10, encoding 0, value 1 "5803"+ // field 11, encoding 0, value 3 "6006"+ // field 12, encoding 0, value 6 "6d20000000"+ // field 13, encoding 5, value 32 "714000000000000000"+ // field 14, encoding 1, value 64 "78a019"+ // field 15, encoding 0, value 3232 "8001c032"+ // field 16, encoding 0, value 6464 "8d0100004a45"+ // field 17, encoding 5, value 3232.0 "9101000000000040b940"+ // field 18, encoding 1, value 6464.0 "9a0106"+"737472696e67"+ // field 19, encoding 2 string "string" "aa0605"+"6279746573"+ // field 101, encoding 2 string "bytes" "b0063f"+ // field 102, encoding 0, 0x3f zigzag32 "b8067f"+ // field 103, encoding 0, 0x7f zigzag64 "9203020001"+ // field 50, encoding 2, 2 bytes, value 0, value 1 "9a03022021"+ // field 51, encoding 2, 2 bytes, value 32, value 33 "a203024041"+ // field 52, encoding 2, 2 bytes, value 64, value 65 "aa0308"+ // field 53, encoding 2, 8 bytes "a00c0000050d0000"+ // value 3232, value 3333 "b20310"+ // field 54, encoding 2, 16 bytes "4019000000000000a519000000000000"+ // value 6464, value 6565 "ba0306"+ // field 55, encoding 2, 6 bytes "a0dd1395ac14"+ // value 323232, value 333333 "c20306"+ // field 56, encoding 2, 6 bytes "c0ba27b58928"+ // value 646464, value 656565 "ca0308"+ // field 57, encoding 2, 8 bytes "0000004200000442"+ // value 32.0, value 33.0 "d20310"+ // field 58, encoding 2, 16 bytes "00000000000050400000000000405040"+ // value 64.0, value 65.0 "b21f02"+ // field 502, encoding 2, 2 bytes "403f"+ // value 32, value -32 "ba1f03"+ // field 503, encoding 2, 3 bytes "80017f"+ // value 64, value -64 "b304"+ // start group field 70 level 1 "ba0408"+"7265717569726564"+ // field 71, encoding 2, string "required" "b404") // end group field 70 level 1 } // Test that we can encode empty bytes fields. func TestEncodeDecodeBytes1(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(false) // Create our bytes pb.F_BytesRequired = []byte{} pb.F_BytesRepeated = [][]byte{{}} pb.F_BytesOptional = []byte{} d, err := Marshal(pb) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.String()) } pbd := new(GoTest) if err := Unmarshal(d, pbd); err != nil { t.Errorf(err.String()) } if pbd.F_BytesRequired == nil || len(pbd.F_BytesRequired) != 0 { t.Errorf("required empty bytes field is incorrect") } if pbd.F_BytesRepeated == nil || len(pbd.F_BytesRepeated) == 1 && pbd.F_BytesRepeated[0] == nil { t.Errorf("repeated empty bytes field is incorrect") } if pbd.F_BytesOptional == nil || len(pbd.F_BytesOptional) != 0 { t.Errorf("optional empty bytes field is incorrect") } } // Test that we encode nil-valued fields of a repeated bytes field correctly. // Since entries in a repeated field cannot be nil, nil must mean empty value. func TestEncodeDecodeBytes2(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(false) // Create our bytes pb.F_BytesRepeated = [][]byte{nil} d, err := Marshal(pb) if err != nil { t.Errorf(err.String()) } pbd := new(GoTest) if err := Unmarshal(d, pbd); err != nil { t.Errorf(err.String()) } if len(pbd.F_BytesRepeated) != 1 || pbd.F_BytesRepeated[0] == nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected value for repeated bytes field") } } // All required fields set, defaults provided, all repeated fields given two values. func TestSkippingUnrecognizedFields(t *testing.T) { o := old() pb := initGoTestField() // Marshal it normally. o.Marshal(pb) // Now new a GoSkipTest record. skip := &GoSkipTest{ SkipInt32: Int32(32), SkipFixed32: Uint32(3232), SkipFixed64: Uint64(6464), SkipString: String("skipper"), Skipgroup: &GoSkipTest_SkipGroup{ GroupInt32: Int32(75), GroupString: String("wxyz"), }, } // Marshal it into same buffer. o.Marshal(skip) pbd := new(GoTestField) o.Unmarshal(pbd) // The __unrecognized field should be a marshaling of GoSkipTest skipd := new(GoSkipTest) o.SetBuf(pbd.XXX_unrecognized) o.Unmarshal(skipd) if *skipd.SkipInt32 != *skip.SkipInt32 { t.Error("skip int32", skipd.SkipInt32) } if *skipd.SkipFixed32 != *skip.SkipFixed32 { t.Error("skip fixed32", skipd.SkipFixed32) } if *skipd.SkipFixed64 != *skip.SkipFixed64 { t.Error("skip fixed64", skipd.SkipFixed64) } if *skipd.SkipString != *skip.SkipString { t.Error("skip string", *skipd.SkipString) } if *skipd.Skipgroup.GroupInt32 != *skip.Skipgroup.GroupInt32 { t.Error("skip group int32", skipd.Skipgroup.GroupInt32) } if *skipd.Skipgroup.GroupString != *skip.Skipgroup.GroupString { t.Error("skip group string", *skipd.Skipgroup.GroupString) } } // Check that we can grow an array (repeated field) to have many elements. // This test doesn't depend only on our encoding; for variety, it makes sure // we create, encode, and decode the correct contents explicitly. It's therefore // a bit messier. // This test also uses (and hence tests) the Marshal/Unmarshal functions // instead of the methods. func TestBigRepeated(t *testing.T) { pb := initGoTest(true) // Create the arrays const N = 50 // Internally the library starts much smaller. pb.Repeatedgroup = make([]*GoTest_RepeatedGroup, N) pb.F_Sint64Repeated = make([]int64, N) pb.F_Sint32Repeated = make([]int32, N) pb.F_BytesRepeated = make([][]byte, N) pb.F_StringRepeated = make([]string, N) pb.F_DoubleRepeated = make([]float64, N) pb.F_FloatRepeated = make([]float32, N) pb.F_Uint64Repeated = make([]uint64, N) pb.F_Uint32Repeated = make([]uint32, N) pb.F_Fixed64Repeated = make([]uint64, N) pb.F_Fixed32Repeated = make([]uint32, N) pb.F_Int64Repeated = make([]int64, N) pb.F_Int32Repeated = make([]int32, N) pb.F_BoolRepeated = make([]bool, N) pb.RepeatedField = make([]*GoTestField, N) // Fill in the arrays with checkable values. igtf := initGoTestField() igtrg := initGoTest_RepeatedGroup() for i := 0; i < N; i++ { pb.Repeatedgroup[i] = igtrg pb.F_Sint64Repeated[i] = int64(i) pb.F_Sint32Repeated[i] = int32(i) s := fmt.Sprint(i) pb.F_BytesRepeated[i] = []byte(s) pb.F_StringRepeated[i] = s pb.F_DoubleRepeated[i] = float64(i) pb.F_FloatRepeated[i] = float32(i) pb.F_Uint64Repeated[i] = uint64(i) pb.F_Uint32Repeated[i] = uint32(i) pb.F_Fixed64Repeated[i] = uint64(i) pb.F_Fixed32Repeated[i] = uint32(i) pb.F_Int64Repeated[i] = int64(i) pb.F_Int32Repeated[i] = int32(i) pb.F_BoolRepeated[i] = i%2 == 0 pb.RepeatedField[i] = igtf } // Marshal. buf, _ := Marshal(pb) // Now test Unmarshal by recreating the original buffer. pbd := new(GoTest) Unmarshal(buf, pbd) // Check the checkable values for i := uint64(0); i < N; i++ { if pbd.Repeatedgroup[i] == nil { // TODO: more checking? t.Error("pbd.Repeatedgroup bad") } var x uint64 x = uint64(pbd.F_Sint64Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Sint64Repeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_Sint32Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Sint32Repeated bad", x, i) } s := fmt.Sprint(i) equalbytes(pbd.F_BytesRepeated[i], []byte(s), t) if pbd.F_StringRepeated[i] != s { t.Error("pbd.F_Sint32Repeated bad", pbd.F_StringRepeated[i], i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_DoubleRepeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_DoubleRepeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_FloatRepeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_FloatRepeated bad", x, i) } x = pbd.F_Uint64Repeated[i] if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Uint64Repeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_Uint32Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Uint32Repeated bad", x, i) } x = pbd.F_Fixed64Repeated[i] if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Fixed64Repeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_Fixed32Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Fixed32Repeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_Int64Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Int64Repeated bad", x, i) } x = uint64(pbd.F_Int32Repeated[i]) if x != i { t.Error("pbd.F_Int32Repeated bad", x, i) } if pbd.F_BoolRepeated[i] != (i%2 == 0) { t.Error("pbd.F_BoolRepeated bad", x, i) } if pbd.RepeatedField[i] == nil { // TODO: more checking? t.Error("pbd.RepeatedField bad") } } } // Verify we give a useful message when decoding to the wrong structure type. func TestTypeMismatch(t *testing.T) { pb1 := initGoTest(true) // Marshal o := old() o.Marshal(pb1) // Now Unmarshal it to the wrong type. pb2 := initGoTestField() err := o.Unmarshal(pb2) switch err { case ErrWrongType: // fine case nil: t.Error("expected wrong type error, got no error") default: t.Error("expected wrong type error, got", err) } } func encodeDecode(t *testing.T, in, out interface{}, msg string) { buf, err := Marshal(in) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed marshaling %v: %v", msg, err) } if err := Unmarshal(buf, out); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed unmarshaling %v: %v", msg, err) } } func TestPackedNonPackedDecoderSwitching(t *testing.T) { np, p := new(NonPackedTest), new(PackedTest) // non-packed -> packed np.A = []int32{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5} encodeDecode(t, np, p, "non-packed -> packed") if !reflect.DeepEqual(np.A, p.B) { t.Errorf("failed non-packed -> packed; np.A=%+v, p.B=%+v", np.A, p.B) } // packed -> non-packed np.Reset() p.B = []int32{3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9} encodeDecode(t, p, np, "packed -> non-packed") if !reflect.DeepEqual(p.B, np.A) { t.Errorf("failed packed -> non-packed; p.B=%+v, np.A=%+v", p.B, np.A) } } func TestProto1RepeatedGroup(t *testing.T) { pb := &MessageList{ Message: []*MessageList_Message{ &MessageList_Message{ Name: String("blah"), Count: Int32(7), }, // NOTE: pb.Message[1] is a nil nil, }, } o := old() if err := o.Marshal(pb); err != ErrRepeatedHasNil { t.Fatalf("unexpected or no error when marshaling: %v", err) } } // Test that enums work. Checks for a bug introduced by making enums // named types instead of int32: newInt32FromUint64 would crash with // a type mismatch in reflect.PointTo. func TestEnum(t *testing.T) { pb := new(GoEnum) pb.Foo = NewFOO(FOO_FOO1) o := old() if err := o.Marshal(pb); err != nil { t.Fatal("error encoding enum:", err) } pb1 := new(GoEnum) if err := o.Unmarshal(pb1); err != nil { t.Fatal("error decoding enum:", err) } if *pb1.Foo != FOO_FOO1 { t.Error("expected 7 but got ", *pb1.Foo) } } // Enum types have String methods. Check that enum fields can be printed. // We don't care what the value actually is, just as long as it doesn't crash. func TestPrintingNilEnumFields(t *testing.T) { pb := new(GoEnum) fmt.Sprintf("%+v", pb) } // Verify that absent required fields cause Marshal/Unmarshal to return errors. func TestRequiredFieldEnforcement(t *testing.T) { pb := new(GoTestField) _, err := Marshal(pb) if err == nil { t.Error("marshal: expected error, got nil") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "GoTestField") < 0 { t.Errorf("marshal: bad error type: %v", err) } // A slightly sneaky, yet valid, proto. It encodes the same required field twice, // so simply counting the required fields is insufficient. // field 1, encoding 2, value "hi" buf := []byte("\x0A\x02hi\x0A\x02hi") err = Unmarshal(buf, pb) if err == nil { t.Error("unmarshal: expected error, got nil") } else if strings.Index(err.String(), "GoTestField") < 0 { t.Errorf("unmarshal: bad error type: %v", err) } } // A type that implements the Marshaler interface, but is not nillable. type nonNillableInt uint64 func (nni nonNillableInt) Marshal() ([]byte, os.Error) { return EncodeVarint(uint64(nni)), nil } type NNIMessage struct { nni nonNillableInt } // A type that implements the Marshaler interface and is nillable. type nillableMessage struct { x uint64 } func (nm *nillableMessage) Marshal() ([]byte, os.Error) { return EncodeVarint(nm.x), nil } type NMMessage struct { nm *nillableMessage } // Verify a type that uses the Marshaler interface, but has a nil pointer. func TestNilMarshaler(t *testing.T) { // Try a struct with a Marshaler field that is nil. // It should be directly marshable. nmm := new(NMMessage) if _, err := Marshal(nmm); err != nil { t.Error("unexpected error marshaling nmm: ", err) } // Try a struct with a Marshaler field that is not nillable. nnim := new(NNIMessage) nnim.nni = 7 var _ Marshaler = nnim.nni // verify it is truly a Marshaler if _, err := Marshal(nnim); err != nil { t.Error("unexpected error marshaling nnim: ", err) } } // Check that passing a struct to Marshal returns a good error, // rather than panicking. func TestStructMarshaling(t *testing.T) { _, err := Marshal(OtherMessage{}) if err != ErrNotPtr { t.Errorf("got %v, expected %v", err, ErrNotPtr) } } func TestAllSetDefaults(t *testing.T) { // Exercise SetDefaults with all scalar field types. m := &Defaults{ // NaN != NaN, so override that here. F_Nan: Float32(1.7), } expected := &Defaults{ F_Bool: Bool(true), F_Int32: Int32(32), F_Int64: Int64(64), F_Fixed32: Uint32(320), F_Fixed64: Uint64(640), F_Uint32: Uint32(3200), F_Uint64: Uint64(6400), F_Float: Float32(314159), F_Double: Float64(271828), F_String: String(`hello, "world!"` + "\n"), F_Bytes: []byte("Bignose"), F_Sint32: Int32(-32), F_Sint64: Int64(-64), F_Enum: NewDefaults_Color(Defaults_GREEN), F_Pinf: Float32(float32(math.Inf(1))), F_Ninf: Float32(float32(math.Inf(-1))), F_Nan: Float32(1.7), } SetDefaults(m) if !Equal(m, expected) { t.Errorf(" got %v\nwant %v", m, expected) } } func TestSetDefaultsWithSetField(t *testing.T) { // Check that a set value is not overridden. m := &Defaults{ F_Int32: Int32(12), } SetDefaults(m) if v := GetInt32(m.F_Int32); v != 12 { t.Errorf("m.FInt32 = %v, want 12", v) } } func TestSetDefaultsWithSubMessage(t *testing.T) { m := &OtherMessage{ Key: Int64(123), Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("gopher"), }, } expected := &OtherMessage{ Key: Int64(123), Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("gopher"), Port: Int32(4000), }, } SetDefaults(m) if !Equal(m, expected) { t.Errorf(" got %v\nwant %v", m, expected) } } func TestMaximumTagNumber(t *testing.T) { m := &MaxTag{ LastField: String("natural goat essence"), } buf, err := Marshal(m) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("proto.Marshal failed: %v", err) } m2 := new(MaxTag) if err := Unmarshal(buf, m2); err != nil { t.Fatalf("proto.Unmarshal failed: %v", err) } if got, want := GetString(m2.LastField), *m.LastField; got != want { t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want) } } func TestJSON(t *testing.T) { m := &MyMessage{ Count: Int32(4), Pet: []string{"bunny", "kitty"}, Inner: &InnerMessage{ Host: String("cauchy"), }, } const expected = `{"count":4,"pet":["bunny","kitty"],"inner":{"host":"cauchy"}}` b, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("json.Marshal failed: %v", err) } s := string(b) if s != expected { t.Errorf("got %s\nwant %s", s, expected) } } func BenchmarkMarshal(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() pb := initGoTest(true) // Create an array const N = 1000 // Internally the library starts much smaller. pb.F_Int32Repeated = make([]int32, N) pb.F_DoubleRepeated = make([]float64, N) // Fill in the array with some values. for i := 0; i < N; i++ { pb.F_Int32Repeated[i] = int32(i) pb.F_DoubleRepeated[i] = float64(i) } p := NewBuffer(nil) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { p.Reset() p.Marshal(pb) } } func BenchmarkUnmarshal(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() pb := initGoTest(true) // Create an array const N = 1000 // Internally the library starts much smaller. pb.F_Int32Repeated = make([]int32, N) // Fill in the array with some values. for i := 0; i < N; i++ { pb.F_Int32Repeated[i] = int32(i) } pbd := new(GoTest) p := NewBuffer(nil) p.Marshal(pb) p2 := NewBuffer(nil) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { p2.SetBuf(p.Bytes()) p2.Unmarshal(pbd) } }