Audience API: So: Our Audience needs a way to do stuff. All key names (quoted below) are case sensitive. Overview: Connect to the Unix Socket. Send JSON. Read JSON response back. Close socket. QUEUE JOB: Request: - dict: - 'op': 'queue' - 'score': Score Name - 'players': Array - playername - 'scope': either 'all' or 'one' - 'params': dict - k/v's passed through to job. Response: - array: [error, jobid] GET STATUS: Request: - dict: - 'op': 'status' - 'id': jobid Response: - array: [error, dict] dict is: - 'status': aggregated result "OK/Failure" - 'players': dict - individual results - hostname: dict - 'status': individual OK/Failure - 'response': dict error is 'OK' if successful. jobid is the JobID if sucessful. Error is otherwise an error mesage.