Unless otherwise noted, content on this website is Copyright © 2010-2011 Steven McDonald.

Licence Grant

Unless otherwise noted, permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify content on this website under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike Unported License, Version 3.0 or any later version published by Creative Commons. For the avoidance of doubt, "this website" means any content accessible via HTTP under the www.steven-mcdonald.id.au domain, and does not include content under the images, non-free or any other subdomain.

If you would like to use anything published here in a project which is licensed incompatibly with the licence above, please feel free to email me. If it's for a project whose goals are friendly to the free software and/or free culture movements, it's probably fine.

It's not required by the licence, but if you do use a substantial portion of anything I've published here in a derived work or publish it elsewhere, I would appreciate it if you could tell me about it. :-)

Common Exceptions

The W3C icons at the bottom of every page are Copyright © 1994-2010 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio) from the W3C website. W3C® grants permission for their use on webpages which pass their HTML and CSS validators, respectively.

These images are hosted under the non-free subdomain, this section is only meant for clarity.