last changeMon, 15 Jun 2015 09:49:39 +0000 (19:49 +1000)
2015-06-15 Steven McDonaldBump copyright year master
2015-06-15 Steven McDonaldI've been reeducated in the ways of UNIX history
2015-06-14 Steven McDonaldTack on a publication date
2015-06-14 Steven McDonaldWhoops
2015-06-14 Steven McDonaldUpdate contact information staging
2015-06-14 Steven McDonaldWrite a rant about systemd
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldThat's not what I meant to link to
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldUpdate copyright page
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldClarify that this is OpenBSD-specific
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldShow spaces properly, too
2014-11-08 Steven McDonald<code> doesn't excuse me from putting HTML in my HTML
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldAdd some info on devtree
2014-11-08 Steven McDonaldI haven't used that repo in years
2013-07-19 Steven McDonaldForgot to bump this
2013-07-19 Steven McDonaldPull my website out of 2011
2011-11-26 Steven McDonaldsecurity considerations are important
9 years ago master
9 years ago staging